HOKUSAI (1760-1849). An hand-drum
A disengaged hand drum (kotsuzumi) lying on a blue cloth.
Woodblock colour print with metallic pigments details
Shikishiban surimono, 20,5x18,2 cm
Signed: Getchirōjin Iitsu hitsu
Poems by Seiseisha Fumigaki and Shōryūtei Motome
Title: The Plover Shell (Chidorigai)
From the series A Matching game with the Genroku Poem Shells (Genroku kasen
kai awase), a series of thirty-six surimono, mainly depicting still-life, associated
with shells.
Privately published by the Yomo-gawa group of poets
Other impressions are in the Chester Beatty Library, no. J2170, illustrated in
Keyes, The Art of Surimono, no. 195 where the poems are translated, and in the
Rijksmuseum, no. RP-P-1958-280, illustrated in Forrer, Surimono in the
Rijksmuseum, no. 236.
The complete series is discussed in detail in Forrer & Keyes. Very like a Whale,
pp. 35-56.
Illustrated in our catalogue Surimono. Hokusai-Shinsai-Hokkei-Gakutei,
September 2024, no. 20.
Very good impression and colour, some thinning, light backing
Item: D 320